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Motivation - Mind & Body

Rowan Duxbury tells her inspiring motivational storyWe all, at some stage of our lives been fortunate to meet extraordinary people, they are often unassuming people who live locally to us. Perhaps the old man or woman who live in their little house tenderly attending to their garden while always having a kind word for a passerby. Or they may be more out-going people who we marvel at for their boundless energy and enthusiasm for life and living that never seems to waiver in the face of adversity. Rowan Duxbury falls into the latter category, she has experienced so much and created even more in her life through her work and most significantly through her unfailing belief in herself and in the power of “Personal Alchemy”.

Rowan has experienced as she says “life’s twists and turns of fate” from being born into a wealthy family to living her early childhood in a beautiful home with 21 self contained holiday apartments and swimming complex that made up the family business. Her home was situated on the beautiful island of Guernsey, as Rowan describes it, “we enjoyed an opulent lifestyle and my sister and I attended ‘Ladies College’ the public school for girls on the island”. That is until her father made “some unwise choices in life” as she calls them and they lost EVERYTHING. Leaving her and her Mum and sister alone and penniless. I feel Rowan’s story is a valuable lesson in our current economic climate. Her story reflects perseverance and determination that will help you to know and understand that any situation, no matter how difficult or challenging can be overcome. There is no doubt in my mind that Rowan fits the description of “Being Extraordinary”. She certainly fits the name she uses as her business name and as her website name of Ms Motivator.


Rowan Duxbury working out in the Gym, motivation for the mind & bodyRowan appeared successfully in 1993 on the TV series Gladiators, hosted by Ulrika Johnson. It had all started with a simple remark by her son, "You could do that Mum!" And she did......

Rowan has weight trained since the birth of her second son, she was so successful that she entered local body building competitions, winning several along the way. She firmly believes that weight training will achieve long lasting results. As she explains on her website:

There are two types of exercise, AEROBIC and ANAEROBIC (weight training)

Both are effective methods of obtaining a lean toned body (with the correct diet of course)

However when it comes to exercise, according to the experts, Anaerobic exercise (weight training), beats Aerobic exercise at calorie burning - every time!

Another aspect of Rowan that makes her extraordinary is her outlook on life, as she explains:

The 'Spiritual Path' has indeed been a wonderful teacher -
It has taught me empathy & compassion for people from all walks of life, for I see the inner wealth & beauty in all people, regardless of outer wealth & status (or lack of it). Money itself does not impress me is the passion in a persons heart to be creative with it or by helping to make positive change in peoples lives that I admire.
- I suppose I can truly say that I am now a woman who can fully appreciate the finer things in life that money and privilege CAN buy ..AND the finer things in life that money CANT!!

By consciously putting what I have learnt into practice in my daily life - and seeing these principles actually work! – has left me with a feeling of deep gratitude for all I have received and experienced - The good and the bad!

I have gained a greater awareness of the 'power' we ALL have within us to shape our lives: Each and every one of us possess a unique 'creative' spark, which when ignited, can literally change our lives for the better, bringing us an ever greater sense of abundance and expansion.

Rowan Duxbury has achieved a holistic approach towards life and most importantly towards herself; she is indeed worthy of being extraordinary.

Motivational story for mind and body

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