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Stub It Out Programme
Tuesday, 02 June 2009

stop smoking help through hypnosis

The Stop Smoking - Stub It Out Programme has been developed through several years. It is a body of work culminating in discovering the "psychological switch" that needs to be clicked in a person so they can kick the smoking habit out of their lives permanently & with absolute ease.



Assessing the COST to Your Health & Your Finances.

  • What age were you when you started?

  • How many cigarettes per day do you smoke?

  • How long (years) have you smoked that many?

  • How many drags (inhalations) does it take for you to finish a cigarette?

  • What is the average cost of a packet of 20 cigarettes over the time you have smoked?

So to help you do your sums, here is an example........................

  • Sharon is 37 years old - she has been smoking since she was 16.

  • She smokes on average 20 cigarettes per day - over a period of 21 years.

  • It takes Sharon 10 drags (inhalations) to finish a cigarette.

  • The average cost of a packet of 20 cigarettes over her smoking life is 7.00 euro.


  • 10 drags per cigarette X 20 cigarettes per day = 200 drags of a cigarette that Sharon takes into her body EVERYDAY.

  • 200 drags per day X 365 days in a year = 73,000 drags per year.

  • 73,000 drags per year X 21 years (the number of years Sharon has been smoking) = 1,533,000 (1.5 million drags)

  • How many cigarettes does Sharon smoke in a year? 20 per day x 365 days = 7,300.

  • That is 365 packets in one year X 21 years, that is 7,665 packets X 7.00 euro per packet.

  • Sharon has spent 53,655 euro to kill herself over her smoking life.


The pictures on this page relate to the "stuff" that Sharon could have purchased if she had not smoked.

But the best gift she could have given herself would have been a clean set of lungs and a longer life!

Pehaps it is time for you to stop?


stop smoking


quit smoking with therapy


help to stop smoking


health reasons to stop smoking



Des offers Therapy counselling sessions for the following issues

Agoraphobia Anxiety Boundaries Claustrophobia Exam Nerves Hair Pulling / Trichotillomania Lack of Motivation Phobias Self – Harm
Alcoholism Bed-Wetting Finding a Partner Insomnia Bulimia Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Nail Biting Projection Separation Anxiety
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Anorexia Blushing Bullying – Teens Dream Interpretation Grief Dependency & Co-Dependency Past Abuse Self – Esteem Stop Smoking

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