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NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
Tuesday, 02 June 2009

neuro linguistic programming

NLP studies brilliance and quality - how outstanding individuals and organizations get their outstanding results. This process is called "modelling". In order to model, NLP studies how we structure our subjective experience - how we think about our values and beliefs & how we create our emotional states.


neuro linguistic programming

And how we construct out internal world from our experience and give it meaning. No event has meaning in itself, we give it meaning, and different people may give the same event different meanings. So NLP studies experience from the inside.

NLP began by studying the best communicators and has evolved into the systemic study of human communication. It has grown by adding practical tools and methods generated by modelling exceptional people. These tools are used internationally in sports, business, training, sales, law and education. However, NLP is more than just a collection of techniques. it is also a way of thinking, a frame of mind based on curiosity, exploration and fun.

The name "Neuro-Longuistic Programming" comes from the three areas it brings together:

N - Neurology - The mind and how we think.

L - Linguistics - How we use language and how it affects us.

P - Programming - How we sequence our actions to achieve our goals.

Here is an example of NLP demonstrated through a story, always a richer source of ideas than a straight definition.........

A boy asks his mother, "What is NLP?"

His mother replies, "I will tell you in a moment, but first you have to do something so you can understand. See your granddad over there in his chair?"

"Yep", said the boy.

"Go and ask him how his arthritis is today."

The boy went over to his grandfather. ""Granddad," he said, "how's your arthritis today?"

"Oh, it's a bit bad, son," replied the old man. "It's always worse in the damp weather. I can hardly move my fingers today." A look of pain crossed his face.

The boy went back to his mother. "He said it was bad. I think it hurts him. Are you going to tell me what NLP is now?"

"In a minute, I promise", replied his mother. "Now go over and ask Granddad what was the funniest thing that you did when you were very young."

The boy went over to his grandfather. "Granddad", he begun, "what was the funniest thing I ever did when I was very young?"

The old man's face lit up. "Oh," he smiled, 'there were lots of things. There was the time when you and your friend played Father Christmas and sprinkled talcum powder all over the bathroom pretending it was snow. I laughed - but I didn't have to clean it up". He stared into the distance with a smile.

The boy went back to his mother. "Did you hear what Granddad said?" he asked. "Yes", his mother replied. "You changed how he felt with a few words. That's NLP."

Obviously there is much more to NLP than this example, but this basic concept remains true, over the next few weeks I will post practical ways of working that will help you in everyday life or will help you deal with any phobia you may be struggling with. - Des.

Extracts used in this article were taken from NLP - Workbook by Joseph O'Connor.



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